Abfobfud Flisnabdagsig is a god.
She takes the form of a thin, dishonest
Abfobfud Flisnabdagsig created dark matter seven thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Abfobfud Flisnabdagsig, she will ignore you.
If you do not believe in
Abfobfud Flisnabdagsig, she will destroy your favourite solar system.
Abfobfud Flisnabdagsig's most sacred site is Evol in France.
Abfobfud Flisnabdagsig's Holy Commandments1. Pray towards the east.
2. Never sing near mites.
3. You must pray to Abfobfud Flisnabdagsig four times a day.
4. Abfobfud Flisnabdagsig must be the most important thing in your life.
5. Never think about the strong nuclear force.