Himstiprap Bimpigsit is a god.
She takes the form of a plump, emotional
Himstiprap Bimpigsit created humankind seven trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Himstiprap Bimpigsit, she will give you lots of grapes.
If you do not believe in
Himstiprap Bimpigsit, she will turn you into a giant slug.
Himstiprap Bimpigsit's most sacred site is Gadna in Hungary.
Himstiprap Bimpigsit's Holy Commandments1. Treat sacred texts with the utmost of respect.
2. Respect rivers and do not attempt to bridge them.
3. Never talk about fire.
4. Never hurt grasshopers.
5. Himstiprap Bimpigsit must be the most important thing in your life.