Flatbamwig Shavmidgedveg is a god.
She takes the form of a giant, calm
Flatbamwig Shavmidgedveg created the Black Eye Galaxy six thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Flatbamwig Shavmidgedveg, she will look after your home planet.
If you do not believe in
Flatbamwig Shavmidgedveg, she will jump up and down on your head until it really hurts.
Flatbamwig Shavmidgedveg's most sacred site is Didy in Madagascar.
Flatbamwig Shavmidgedveg's Holy Commandments1. Always help sick tapirs.
2. Permit no heathen within the settlement walls.
3. Always make a point of helping unfortunate grasshopers.
4. Do not drink water in blue rooms.
5. Do not make images of living things.