Bighinbitwigtenbud Abflyfun
is a god.
She takes the form of a giant, loving
Bighinbitwigtenbud Abflyfun
created the planet Earth nine million years ago.
If you believe in
Bighinbitwigtenbud Abflyfun
, she will grant you eternal life.
If you do not believe in
Bighinbitwigtenbud Abflyfun
, she will turn you into a giant snail.
Bighinbitwigtenbud Abflyfun's
most sacred site is Ans in Denmark.
Bighinbitwigtenbud Abflyfun's Holy Commandments
1. Never think about planets.
2. Feed all hungry seals.
3. Always take life seriously.
4. Never think about horizontal gene transfer.
5. Do not drink from vessels made of earth.
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