Abnuttlid Cumpod is a god.
He takes the form of a gargantuan, selfish
Abnuttlid Cumpod created carbon nine million years ago.
If you believe in
Abnuttlid Cumpod, he will give you great power.
If you do not believe in
Abnuttlid Cumpod, he will attempt to scare you with floods.
Abnuttlid Cumpod's most sacred site is Didy in Madagascar.
Abnuttlid Cumpod's Holy Commandments1. Run away if three pigs approach from the south.
2. Abnuttlid Cumpod loves moths, so they must be honoured.
3. Potatoes are unclean and must never pass your lips.
4. Do not fashion models of living things.
5. Never talk about fire.