Niggonquag Shavnurxintimgebflat
is a god.
He takes the form of a large, dishonest
Niggonquag Shavnurxintimgebflat
created the Sun eight billion years ago.
If you believe in
Niggonquag Shavnurxintimgebflat
, he will remain indifferent to you.
If you do not believe in
Niggonquag Shavnurxintimgebflat
, he will have an extremely low opinion of you.
Niggonquag Shavnurxintimgebflat's
most sacred site is Cobbel in Germany.
Niggonquag Shavnurxintimgebflat's Holy Commandments
1. Always help sick voles.
2. Always stare at clouds.
3. Always help nematodes.
4. Always help hamsters in need.
5. Show mercy to disobedient children.
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