Tifbegpogbossjigdit is a god.
It takes the form of a four hundred metre long, moody wyvern.
Tifbegpogbossjigdit created viruses two quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in Tifbegpogbossjigdit, it will grant you immortality.
If you do not believe in Tifbegpogbossjigdit, it will make you grow a tail.
Tifbegpogbossjigdit's most sacred site is Panayadikuppam in India.
Tifbegpogbossjigdit's Holy Commandments
1. Respect your elders.
2. Always pray immersed in water.
3. Retreat if three frogs approach from the west.
4. Never talk about gravity.
5. Always look both ways before crossing roads.