Nellmildun Lagdimfad is a god.
She takes the form of a very small, almighty
Nellmildun Lagdimfad created the Cigar Galaxy two thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Nellmildun Lagdimfad, she will grant all your wishes.
If you do not believe in
Nellmildun Lagdimfad, she will strike you with lightening.
Nellmildun Lagdimfad's most sacred site is Miiluranta in Finland.
Nellmildun Lagdimfad's Holy Commandments1. Do not hurt geese.
2. Nellmildun Lagdimfad must be the most important thing in your life.
3. Look mercifully on unfortunate otters.
4. Always pray immersed in water.
5. Permit no heathen within the settlement walls.