Misguntarpnutt Podpadsag is a god.
He takes the form of a nine thousand metre long, annoying
Misguntarpnutt Podpadsag created a top quark three billion years ago.
If you believe in
Misguntarpnutt Podpadsag, he will make you lucky.
If you do not believe in
Misguntarpnutt Podpadsag, he will curse you with boils.
Misguntarpnutt Podpadsag's most sacred site is Brechfa in Wales.
Misguntarpnutt Podpadsag's Holy Commandments1. Potatoes are unclean and must never pass your lips.
2. Put Misguntarpnutt Podpadsag first in all things.
3. Misguntarpnutt Podpadsag must be the most important thing in your life.
4. Never wear kilts.
5. Never think ill of sick rats.