Nigfossgom Kipappweefomlantomwan
is a god.
It takes the form of a huge, happy
Nigfossgom Kipappweefomlantomwan
created the Tadpole Galaxy three quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in
Nigfossgom Kipappweefomlantomwan
, it will be happy.
If you do not believe in
Nigfossgom Kipappweefomlantomwan
, it will not care at all.
Nigfossgom Kipappweefomlantomwan's
most sacred site is Katteri in India.
Nigfossgom Kipappweefomlantomwan's Holy Commandments
1. Never go into mauve rooms.
2. Potatoes are unclean and must never pass your lips.
3. Always help sick mites.
4. Worship no other gods but Nigfossgom Kipappweefomlantomwan.
5. Doors are unholy and should not be erected.
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