Wegfodbeg Woningtag Limfossnat
is a god.
It takes the form of a seven hundred metre long, unfair otter.
Wegfodbeg Woningtag Limfossnat
created the Large Magellanic Cloud two years ago.
If you believe in
Wegfodbeg Woningtag Limfossnat
, it will give you the power of flight.
If you do not believe in
Wegfodbeg Woningtag Limfossnat
, it will send you a strongly worded letter.
Wegfodbeg Woningtag Limfossnat's
most sacred site is Polagam in India.
Wegfodbeg Woningtag Limfossnat's Holy Commandments
1. Always make sure there are no capybaras in a room before entering it.
2. Always obey Wegfodbeg Woningtag Limfossnat's priests.
3. Never wear corsets.
4. Worship no other gods but Wegfodbeg Woningtag Limfossnat.
5. Do not drink from vessels made of earth.
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