Cipbimhen Satgedbag is a god.
She takes the form of a five thousand metre long, almighty swallow.
Cipbimhen Satgedbag created everything that exists two trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Cipbimhen Satgedbag, she will grant your every wish.
If you do not believe in
Cipbimhen Satgedbag, she will jump up and down fuming with rage.
Cipbimhen Satgedbag's most sacred site is Dingcun in China.
Cipbimhen Satgedbag's Holy Commandments1. Do not eat peanuts.
2. You must love Cipbimhen Satgedbag.
3. Never feed nuts to mice while wearing purple boots.
4. Do not speak about carrots.
5. Walk at least five thousand metres per day.