Yakgadbog Quafmifkimyak is a god.
She takes the form of an extremely thin, capable deer.
Yakgadbog Quafmifkimyak created a bottom quark five billion years ago.
If you believe in Yakgadbog Quafmifkimyak, she will be very happy.
If you do not believe in Yakgadbog Quafmifkimyak, she will turn you into a sheep.
Yakgadbog Quafmifkimyak's most sacred site is Thimmanaickenpalayam in India.
Yakgadbog Quafmifkimyak's Holy Commandments
1. Do not sit in public.
2. Never think about horizontal gene transfer.
3. Do not cook food in pots.
4. Do not eat figs.
5. Never look in ponds.