Libarmmipquafontjadbast is a god.
It takes the form of an eight hundred metre long, annoying walrus.
Libarmmipquafontjadbast created the Sol system five quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in Libarmmipquafontjadbast, it will give you a free moon.
If you do not believe in Libarmmipquafontjadbast, it will not invite you to parties.
Libarmmipquafontjadbast's most sacred site is Sarti in Greece.
Libarmmipquafontjadbast's Holy Commandments
1. Never play with disobedient children.
2. Never eat limes.
3. You must love Libarmmipquafontjadbast.
4. Do not speak about figs.
5. Do not make images of living things.