Danflamcambitfag is a god.
She takes the form of a nine thousand metre long, moody wyvern.
Danflamcambitfag created an up quark nine trillion years ago.
If you believe in Danflamcambitfag, she will look on you favourably.
If you do not believe in Danflamcambitfag, she will turn you into a tree.
Danflamcambitfag's most sacred site is Oppin in Germany.
Danflamcambitfag's Holy Commandments
1. You must pray to Danflamcambitfag four times a day.
2. Never eat green fruit.
3. Ponytails are unholy and must not be worn.
4. Do not wear tin on your body.
5. Do not drink from vessels made of iron.