Pantityim Bugsogran Bastdav is a god.

It takes the form of a minute, caring yak.

Pantityim Bugsogran Bastdav created the Andromeda Galaxy three quadrillion years ago.

If you believe in Pantityim Bugsogran Bastdav, it will celebrate by creating some planets.

If you do not believe in Pantityim Bugsogran Bastdav, it will destroy your home planet.

Pantityim Bugsogran Bastdav's most sacred site is Goat's Hole Cave in England.

Pantityim Bugsogran Bastdav's Holy Commandments

1. Never think about horizontal gene transfer.

2. Potatoes are unclean and must never pass your lips.

3. Porpoises are not to be trusted.

4. Do not drink water in pink rooms.

5. Always help sick turtles.
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