Tarfubquillflowhudbincutbab is a god.

It takes the form of an extremely large, deceitful squid.

Tarfubquillflowhudbincutbab created the cosmos seven quadrillion years ago.

If you believe in Tarfubquillflowhudbincutbab, it will celebrate by creating some planets.

If you do not believe in Tarfubquillflowhudbincutbab, it will attempt to scare you with earthquakes.

Tarfubquillflowhudbincutbab's most sacred site is Valdena in Italy.

Tarfubquillflowhudbincutbab's Holy Commandments

1. Never feed strawberries to dolphins while wearing gray rings.

2. Hamsters are unholy and should not be approached.

3. Draw representations of nebulae on the walls of your dwelling place.

4. Do not kill mice.

5. Always wear white.
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