Wonbusdinnarmapnib is a god.

He takes the form of a heavy, all-knowing goose.

Wonbusdinnarmapnib created snails two thousand years ago.

If you believe in Wonbusdinnarmapnib, he will give you great power.

If you do not believe in Wonbusdinnarmapnib, he will ignore you and hope you go away.

Wonbusdinnarmapnib's most sacred site is Ans in Denmark.

Wonbusdinnarmapnib's Holy Commandments

1. Never feed rice to frogs while wearing tights.

2. Do not speak about pineapples.

3. Tell all that you meet of the great power of Wonbusdinnarmapnib.

4. Always treat tapirs with great respect.

5. Respect your elders.
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