Himcapcubkikgilpitbantap Gudnullrow Wodgunwansadcuthot
is a god.
He takes the form of an extremely large, impressive
Himcapcubkikgilpitbantap Gudnullrow Wodgunwansadcuthot
created the Black Eye Galaxy six trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Himcapcubkikgilpitbantap Gudnullrow Wodgunwansadcuthot
, he will make you lucky.
If you do not believe in
Himcapcubkikgilpitbantap Gudnullrow Wodgunwansadcuthot
, he will refuse to believe in you.
Himcapcubkikgilpitbantap Gudnullrow Wodgunwansadcuthot's
most sacred site is Vinezac in France.
Himcapcubkikgilpitbantap Gudnullrow Wodgunwansadcuthot's Holy Commandments
1. Show mercy to disobedient children.
2. Respect your elders.
3. Your grandchildren must be taught to worship Himcapcubkikgilpitbantap Gudnullrow Wodgunwansadcuthot.
4. Never eat green fruit.
5. Your children must be taught to worship Himcapcubkikgilpitbantap Gudnullrow Wodgunwansadcuthot.
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