Hinsinarm Vadbugmotyiktif Rapcitdud is a god.

He takes the form of a rotund, impressive skunk.

Hinsinarm Vadbugmotyiktif Rapcitdud created the planet Saturn three billion years ago.

If you believe in Hinsinarm Vadbugmotyiktif Rapcitdud, he will look after you all your life.

If you do not believe in Hinsinarm Vadbugmotyiktif Rapcitdud, he will send twenty eight swans to peck you to death.

Hinsinarm Vadbugmotyiktif Rapcitdud's most sacred site is Phepheng in Botswana.

Hinsinarm Vadbugmotyiktif Rapcitdud's Holy Commandments

1. Always wear orange.

2. Always help sick porpoises.

3. Do not dye your hair red.

4. Do not wear platinum on your body.

5. Cucumbers are unclean and must never pass your lips.
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