Lakdutjin Veenrensid Wodwotbat
is a god.
She takes the form of a microscopic, calm
Lakdutjin Veenrensid Wodwotbat
created viruses twelve years ago.
If you believe in
Lakdutjin Veenrensid Wodwotbat
, she will celebrate by creating some galaxies.
If you do not believe in
Lakdutjin Veenrensid Wodwotbat
, she will name a particularly small and pointless dust cloud after you.
Lakdutjin Veenrensid Wodwotbat's
most sacred site is Panormos in Greece.
Lakdutjin Veenrensid Wodwotbat's Holy Commandments
1. Hide from black hamsters for they are unholy.
2. Never talk about moons.
3. Always make sure there are no frogs in a room before entering it.
4. Great tits are unholy and should not be approached.
5. Put Lakdutjin Veenrensid Wodwotbat first in all things.
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