Boncepladlabgoddag is a god.
It takes the form of a six thousand metre long, flying
Boncepladlabgoddag created a down quark five trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Boncepladlabgoddag, it will look after you all your life.
If you do not believe in
Boncepladlabgoddag, it will sneak up behind you and tap you on the back.
Boncepladlabgoddag's most sacred site is Yerakini in Greece.
Boncepladlabgoddag's Holy Commandments1. Always make a point of helping unfortunate geese.
2. Never think about the strong nuclear force near manatees while wearing green skirts and balancing three zinc spheres on your hands.
3. Feed all hungry tortoises.
4. Do not drink from vessels made of earth.
5. Tell all that you meet of the great power of Boncepladlabgoddag.