Yatfatlit is a god.
She takes the form of a six thousand metre long, merciless
Yatfatlit created the Virgo Supercluster nine trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Yatfatlit, she will answer your prayers.
If you do not believe in
Yatfatlit, she will destroy your favourite galaxy.
Yatfatlit's most sacred site is Estedt in Germany.
Yatfatlit's Holy Commandments1. Never think about thermodynamics near capybaras while wearing blue shoes and balancing six lead spheres on your hands.
2. Never think about ultrasonics near horses while wearing brown kilts and balancing eight iron spheres on your legs.
3. Do not fashion models of living things.
4. Do not wear indigo clothing.
5. Do not trade with those who eat cucumbers.