Flisbabjad Fumspaghun Gatjoprull
is a god.
It takes the form of a heavy, deceitful
Flisbabjad Fumspaghun Gatjoprull
created matter six quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in
Flisbabjad Fumspaghun Gatjoprull
, it will be surprised.
If you do not believe in
Flisbabjad Fumspaghun Gatjoprull
, it will ignore you.
Flisbabjad Fumspaghun Gatjoprull's
most sacred site is Dimson in England.
Flisbabjad Fumspaghun Gatjoprull's Holy Commandments
1. Hide if eight goats approach from the west.
2. Do not wear brown clothing.
3. Always make sure there are no capybaras in a building before entering it.
4. Always stare at clouds.
5. Never think about deoxyribonucleic acid.
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