Yarlmabtail is a god.
She takes the form of a five hundred metre long, kind
Yarlmabtail created dark energy two years ago.
If you believe in
Yarlmabtail, she will grant you immortality.
If you do not believe in
Yarlmabtail, she will turn you into a tree.
Yarlmabtail's most sacred site is Ifaty in Madagascar.
Yarlmabtail's Holy Commandments1. Erect a giant pink sculpture of Yarlmabtail in the centre of the settlement.
2. Never paint your back indigo.
3. Never think about the strong nuclear force near capybaras while wearing violet hats and balancing four iron spheres on your feet.
4. Look mercifully on unfortunate manatees.
5. Never feed peanuts to tortoises while wearing turquoise trousers.