Mabgudwit Megbepbog Cudquillbin
is a god.
She takes the form of a microscopic, unselfish
Mabgudwit Megbepbog Cudquillbin
created the Cigar Galaxy five million years ago.
If you believe in
Mabgudwit Megbepbog Cudquillbin
, she will ignore you forever.
If you do not believe in
Mabgudwit Megbepbog Cudquillbin
, she will send three marmosets to sort you out.
Mabgudwit Megbepbog Cudquillbin's
most sacred site is Dumadumana in Botswana.
Mabgudwit Megbepbog Cudquillbin's Holy Commandments
1. Never think ill of sick frogs.
2. Always make a point of helping unfortunate swans.
3. Never talk about nebulae.
4. Never mention dolphins.
5. Potatoes are unclean and must never pass your lips.
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