Cebrilqueeg Figlapcubgil
is a god.
She takes the form of an enormous, uncaring
Cebrilqueeg Figlapcubgil
created the Sombrero Galaxy two million years ago.
If you believe in
Cebrilqueeg Figlapcubgil
, she will answer your prayers.
If you do not believe in
Cebrilqueeg Figlapcubgil
, she will destroy your favourite solar system.
Cebrilqueeg Figlapcubgil's
most sacred site is Cuandixia in China.
Cebrilqueeg Figlapcubgil's Holy Commandments
1. Never think about moons.
2. Never think about quantum gravity.
3. Never talk about chromosomes.
4. Never mention frogs.
5. Your children must be taught to worship Cebrilqueeg Figlapcubgil.
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