Dodhattarp Cinvenwan is a god.
It takes the form of a six hundred metre long, quiet
Dodhattarp Cinvenwan created the universe seven trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Dodhattarp Cinvenwan, it will grant your every desire.
If you do not believe in
Dodhattarp Cinvenwan, it will cry a lot.
Dodhattarp Cinvenwan's most sacred site is Farnetta in Italy.
Dodhattarp Cinvenwan's Holy Commandments1. Do not commit murder.
2. Respect your elders.
3. Never think about quantum mechanics near capybaras while wearing blue shirts and balancing four copper spheres on your head.
4. Erect a giant purple sculpture of Dodhattarp Cinvenwan in the centre of the settlement.
5. Retreat if nine birds approach from the south.