Pomtailcam is a god.
She takes the form of a very thin, tranquil tapir.
Pomtailcam created the Large Magellanic Cloud four quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in Pomtailcam, she will celebrate by creating some planets.
If you do not believe in Pomtailcam, she will send twenty two thousand, three hundred, and seventy eight badgers to sort you out.
Pomtailcam's most sacred site is Snapp in Sweden.
Pomtailcam's Holy Commandments
1. Cucumbers are unclean and must never pass your lips.
2. You must pray to Pomtailcam four times a day.
3. Do not listen to heathen tongues.
4. Never write about the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
5. Do not chop down trees.