Binfligbegxuczak is a god.
It takes the form of a thin, fast wren.
Binfligbegxuczak created gold three billion years ago.
If you believe in Binfligbegxuczak, it will smite all your enemies.
If you do not believe in Binfligbegxuczak, it will sneak up behind you and tap you on the back.
Binfligbegxuczak's most sacred site is Turckheim in France.
Binfligbegxuczak's Holy Commandments
1. You must never eat lentils.
2. Always prostrate yourself in the presence of your elders.
3. Feed all hungry squirrels.
4. Always take life seriously.
5. Put Binfligbegxuczak first in all things.