Cimquartbumflowomtbotdumnib is a god.

It takes the form of an extremely heavy, emotional bee.

Cimquartbumflowomtbotdumnib created carbon three hundred thousand years ago.

If you believe in Cimquartbumflowomtbotdumnib, it will laugh at you.

If you do not believe in Cimquartbumflowomtbotdumnib, it will turn you into a goat.

Cimquartbumflowomtbotdumnib's most sacred site is Basalorum in Sweden.

Cimquartbumflowomtbotdumnib's Holy Commandments

1. Do not drink water in white rooms.

2. Never talk about amino acids.

3. Cats are not to be trusted.

4. You must love Cimquartbumflowomtbotdumnib.

5. Always make sure there are no nematodes in a room before entering it.
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