Kennadbod Megkimcuthatbunnigwanbit is a god.

She takes the form of a chunky, witty scorpion.

Kennadbod Megkimcuthatbunnigwanbit created time and space eight thousand years ago.

If you believe in Kennadbod Megkimcuthatbunnigwanbit, she will celebrate by creating some nebulas.

If you do not believe in Kennadbod Megkimcuthatbunnigwanbit, she will attempt to scare you with earthquakes.

Kennadbod Megkimcuthatbunnigwanbit's most sacred site is Gulval in England.

Kennadbod Megkimcuthatbunnigwanbit's Holy Commandments

1. Never pour water over plants.

2. Do not hurt dolphins.

3. Do not cook food in pots.

4. Do not listen to music.

5. Do not eat pineapples.
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