Nakdanxuckadfliswon is a god.
She takes the form of a galaxy-sized, egotistical spider.
Nakdanxuckadfliswon created oxygen two million years ago.
If you believe in Nakdanxuckadfliswon, she will grant you eternal life.
If you do not believe in Nakdanxuckadfliswon, she will refuse to believe in you.
Nakdanxuckadfliswon's most sacred site is Mogonono in Botswana.
Nakdanxuckadfliswon's Holy Commandments
1. Never talk about fire.
2. Hide if nine snakes approach from the east.
3. Show mercy to disobedient children.
4. Walk at least seven thousand metres per day.
5. Never write about moons.