Botgetnadhapvig is a god.
It takes the form of an exceedingly fat, contented
Botgetnadhapvig created the planet Earth eight million years ago.
If you believe in
Botgetnadhapvig, it will celebrate by creating some planets.
If you do not believe in
Botgetnadhapvig, it will turn you into a rock.
Botgetnadhapvig's most sacred site is Cusihuiriachi in Mexico.
Botgetnadhapvig's Holy Commandments1. Erect nine carbon sculptures of Botgetnadhapvig on top of important buildings.
2. Never feed cucumbers to moths while wearing mauve hats.
3. Botgetnadhapvig loves pigs, so they must be honoured.
4. Bats are not to be trusted.
5. Always obey Botgetnadhapvig's priests.