Fudhimlegsaddanlan is a god.
He takes the form of an exceedingly fat, calm
Fudhimlegsaddanlan created dark energy seven million years ago.
If you believe in
Fudhimlegsaddanlan, he will remain indifferent to you.
If you do not believe in
Fudhimlegsaddanlan, he will boil you in a big pot.
Fudhimlegsaddanlan's most sacred site is Kgope in Botswana.
Fudhimlegsaddanlan's Holy Commandments1. Always make sure there are no whales in a room before entering it.
2. Do not trade with those who eat gooseberries.
3. Do not drink from vessels made of tin.
4. Do not hurt aardvarks.
5. Never wear pink shoes.