Boggepvedabhakgungutwab is a god.
He takes the form of a seven thousand metre long, all-knowing
Boggepvedabhakgungutwab created the Andromeda Galaxy nine million years ago.
If you believe in
Boggepvedabhakgungutwab, he will look after your home planet.
If you do not believe in
Boggepvedabhakgungutwab, he will turn you into a tree.
Boggepvedabhakgungutwab's most sacred site is Gulval in England.
Boggepvedabhakgungutwab's Holy Commandments1. Run away if eight voles approach from the north.
2. Do not commit murder.
3. Always look both ways before crossing roads.
4. Respect your elders.
5. Retreat if nine great tits approach from the south.