Yimlarglen is a god.
She takes the form of a very fat, proud
Yimlarglen created Mount Everest four trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Yimlarglen, she will give you a free moon.
If you do not believe in
Yimlarglen, she will destroy your home planet.
Yimlarglen's most sacred site is Villaseta in Italy.
Yimlarglen's Holy Commandments1. Never paint your legs violet.
2. Never wear tights.
3. Your children must be taught to worship Yimlarglen.
4. Never think about ultrasonics near snails while wearing fawn kilts and balancing four titanium spheres on your hands.
5. Never talk about solid mechanics near turtles while wearing green rings and balancing nine nickel spheres on your chest.