Megdisszedbest Gatbanfut Pakfetranart
is a god.
She takes the form of an exceedingly large, all-powerful
Megdisszedbest Gatbanfut Pakfetranart
created a top quark seven billion years ago.
If you believe in
Megdisszedbest Gatbanfut Pakfetranart
, she will smite all your enemies.
If you do not believe in
Megdisszedbest Gatbanfut Pakfetranart
, she will turn you into a goat.
Megdisszedbest Gatbanfut Pakfetranart's
most sacred site is Letino in Italy.
Megdisszedbest Gatbanfut Pakfetranart's Holy Commandments
1. Do not drink from vessels made of zinc.
2. Never look at black holes.
3. Respect rivers and do not attempt to bridge them.
4. Do not drink water in yellow rooms.
5. Never think about amino acids.
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