Quillbafrillanran Gomontben
is a god.
It takes the form of a very large, unfair
Quillbafrillanran Gomontben
created the Cigar Galaxy two billion years ago.
If you believe in
Quillbafrillanran Gomontben
, it will answer your prayers.
If you do not believe in
Quillbafrillanran Gomontben
, it will turn you into a rat.
Quillbafrillanran Gomontben's
most sacred site is Penhale in England.
Quillbafrillanran Gomontben's Holy Commandments
1. Always make sure there are no snails in a room before entering it.
2. Show mercy to disobedient children.
3. Hamsters are not to be trusted.
4. Always help sheep.
5. Always wear blue.
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