
GIF Title Creator(s) Date Available as:
Jarna front cover Jarna front cover Dave Allison
and Andrew Rees
1999 80KB JPEG 400x400 24bit
392KB JPEG 1000x1000 24bit
1000KB JPEG 2000x2000 24bit
Jarna back cover artwork Jarna back cover artwork Dave Allison
and Andrew Rees
1999 91KB JPEG 513x400 24bit
388KB JPEG 1200x936 24bit
718KB JPEG 2000x1560 24bit
Jarna front cover artwork Jarna front cover artwork Dave Allison
and Andrew Rees
1999 74KB JPEG 400x400 24bit
381KB JPEG 1000x1000 24bit
978KB JPEG 2000x2000 24bit

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Artwork by Andrew Rees. Artwork, graphics, image processing and HTML by Dave Allison. Last updated 22/10/2002